• We are a community focused on unlocking financial growth for our members. We’re intentional on where we spend our time, money, and energy. We don’t just buy things, we invest in experiences and vibes.

  • You can apply for one of our financial products. All are welcome.

  • We have options for members based on their financial goals and experience.

  • The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks. (CNBC) They had a head start. We believe in the long money mindset. We give our members the tools for growth on their terms.

  • As a member, you get access to Neon Money Club’s financial content + exclusive access to our investment platform and other financial products. We also provide financial education, 30 seconds at a time, in our language.

  • We’re not an app. We give our members the tools for growth on their own terms.